Your sketchbook should be the place where you document all of your ideas and thoughts. It is to show the AP college board and myself, your thought process. Explain everything, as if you are explaining it to a toddler.
The old AP Portfolio was like visiting a photographer's gallery, on opening night. The new AP Portfolio, is like getting the privilege to go back to the photographers studio or home to learn more about how they came up with their ideas and the work that went into it.
Is a place where you can examine issues and ideas through critical, historical, and aesthetic inquiry by the use of;
Creative visual expression
Visual examination
Artist research/inspiration
Documentation of ideas and your creative process
The 1st video, shows a photographer explaining her photography documentation practices.
The 2 sketchbook videos show students in the UK explaining their sketchbook and art making process. Although there are differences in the names and grading scale, the sketchbook documentation is still very similar to the AP College board and what I am looking for in class.
What they call a GCSE - Grade 9 is what we would call a score of 5 for the AP college board.