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Photography 11

Lesson #12 - Theme based - Doorways/Openings 

Big Idea - to further explore visual narrative by focusing on a single subject.  

Goal - Doors can be interesting from an architectural point of view, but they also make one wonder what's behind them, and they seem to beg to be opened, they are mysterious. Doors and doorways are also often full of texture, pattern and designs that juxtapose the surrounding walls. So for this assignment, your goal is to highlight the structural elements and perhaps the story behind the door. Doorways or entranceways can also be naturally occurring.  Think about narrative – what story does your image tell?



1. Remember your lighting. Try different times of the day.  

2. Late afternoon sun or early morning sun as well as cloudy days.

3. Use the rule of thirds for both landscape and vertical shots, and keep in mind the elements of compositions when framing your shots.



1 contact sheet of 20 images ordered with your best at the top 

- 4 edited images - sized 8.5" by 11" at 300 dpi, saved as jpegs.  

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