Photography 11
Lesson # 11- Sports/Action/Movement Photography
Big Idea: - To investigate the techniques required in photographing a sporting event or an event that has a great deal of action. - To become familiar with the technique of using faster ISO speeds on a digital camera.
Your subject must be a sport or an action that you do not control.
Your goal will be to create images of the action in a way that best describes that action.
You can use outdoor or indoor activities. Do not restrict yourself to either one of these places, explore multiple actions.
Sport photographers rely on their knowledge of the sport in question as well as their camera handling skills. Try a number of different events or activities.
Experiment with different camera angles that would exaggerate or best describe the action being captured.
Remember indoors in most gymnasiums require that you change your ISO to 800 - 1600/3200. Start with 400 but be prepared to ramp up if needed to stop action (shutter speed). Also do not forget to adjust your white balance accordingly.
Do not rely entirely on activities around the school. Try outside the school. eg: horseback riding, skiing, figure skating, ice hockey, road hockey.
2 contact sheets of 40 images in total, ordered with your best at the top, demonstrating your problem-solving technique and thorough investigation.
4 edited jpegs sized 8.5" by 11" at 300 dpi. - all in a labeled folder on the server. - When editing do not forget to straighten please.