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Photography 11


Lesson 5 - Broken-Old or Weathered and Photo Study

Big Idea: To investigate a particular theme and create imagery that describes the theme.  The theme will be things that are old, broken or weathered.  When selecting your composition, think - what is the story I am trying to tell? What is the purposeful narrative behind my image? 

Assignment: To capture imagery that best describes objects that are very old, or have been weathered through time, broken or discarded.  Look for subjects that have naturally weathered or aged and objects that have aged due to use over time; for example, tools with shiny handles from being handled over many years.  Images that reflect weathered, old and broken can be very beautiful because they evoke a sense of history or nostalgia in the viewer.

Compositional Rules to be focused on

- Rule of Thirds

- Simplicity

- Depth of Field (shoot in aperture mode)

- Choice of Foreground or Background

- Texture


Presentation: Uploaded to the server organized in a folder. 

  • 1 contact sheet (40 images, your best! - must include date, aperture, shutter speed and ISO), order images so the ones that you are most proud of are at the top of your contact sheet.  

  • 3 edited images - sized 8.5" by 11" at 300 dpi (resolution) or greater, saved as jpegs

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