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Be Peaceful:
Simply put, be kind to each other—exercise self-control and do not disrupt the learning of others in the classroom. This includes maintaining a reasonable volume level during conversation, refraining from interrupting another student's work, and avoiding conflicts.

Be Respectful:
Every student has the right to a safe and secure classroom. Be respectful of yourself, your environment/materials, your peers, and your teacher. Treat others the way you want to be treated. This includes no put downs/negative remarks about yourself and your peers - constructive criticism only. 

Be Responsible:
Act rationally; choose wisely. Recognize your own role in building a fun and productive community of learners. Remember to come prepared, ask before borrowing supplies, keep up with your homework, and leave the class cleaner than you found it.

Be Safe:
Think about where you are and whom you are with. We must guarantee against harm or injury to another. Think. Ask yourself is it worth it? Would I want this done to me? I will not tolerate, nor should you, any behavior that takes away from the safety of this classroom.

Be Cooperative:
You may be asked to do something that you may not like or think is worthless. Be mature; work through it. You may find that "getting there" is half the fun. Our world demands that you work well with others. Exception: if there is a legitimate reason why you feel you cannot take part, you are welcome to discuss this with me.  

Be A Worker:
Do your job! Challenge yourself to be productive. Take risks and explore-you may learn something about yourself. You are here; use your time wisely. You are expected to stay on task in class- you need to work on your art (not other homework). Productivity includes research, reflection, and in-class work. 

iphones - are not allowed during class time unless instructed by teacher for  project.
Absolutely no texting, snap chatting etc... during class. 

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