Lesson 3A - Little People BIG WORLD
Learning goal - Review of Adobe Photoshop Tools - this learning will transfer to Lesson 3B
Masking/Refine Edge
Blend modes
Use of selection tools
Using the images provided, students will choose two to work with - one will be the background and the other will be the subject. After successfully completing this lesson students will use this learning to shoot and combine personal images with the goal of generating a visual narrative.
This lesson will be demonstrated in class - if you are away or are having difficulties with the steps make sure to watch the video tutorial
1) Open "Subject" image in photoshop and save as "subject". Using the quick selection tool make a selection of subject (hold down option to deselect) and then choose "select and mask". Click the select and mask and use sliders to slightly increase edge detection radius, feather smooth etc. Output settings, click decontaminate colors and output as "new layer with layer mask".
2) Select the mask and use the brush tool to remove and add detail to selection (black conceals white reveals). You can also make selections using the lasso and quick selection tools in the mask to paint out or in details.
3) Remember to keep saving your file as you are working (command s)
4) Go back to the original image and select the shadow and repeat the above steps.
5) Once your selections are perfect then open background image in photo shop and drag selections over background layer tab to combine images. Save this new file as "firstnamelastnamelesson3A"
6) Now you can use the move tool to place your subject in position. Select Edit Tab - transform (or command T) - scale, free transform, warp, etc. with both the subject and shadow layer to create a realistic image with a twist. Shadow layer - think about light direction and reduce the opacity slightly to enhance realism. If this starts to go sideways you can always drag your selections back into your background image and try again (this is the beauty of creating a separate file of your selections).
- One final image - sized to 8.5" by 11" at 300 dpi and saved (firstnamelastnamelesson3A) as a psd file.
- Same image - merged layers with tilt shift filter applied - saved (firstnamelastnamelesson3A) as a jpeg file.

Photography 11

Lesson 3B - Little People BIG WORLD
Big Idea - How will I work with juxtaposition by combining two (or more) photographs to evoke an emotion or communicate a social statement in a unique way using Adobe Photoshop and personal imagery.
Here is your chance to use your learning to shoot and create a photoshop manipulated image that evokes an emotion, communicates a message or social statement though the use of a little bit of humour :)
Check out the works of Slinkachu (a London based street artist) - Slinkachu Gallery, Video Clip1,
Slinkachu is both a street installation and photographic artist. He sets up miniature worlds in urban environments and then takes hundreds of photographs using a shallow depth of field to document them. His pieces are sold as photographs and he leaves his miniatures to be happened upon my passers by. His pieces ask the viewer to reflect upon the loneliness and melancholy of living in a big city, of being overlooked, lost and overwhelmed.
Your Goal - to create a final image in the artist's style/concept but instead to creating the miniatures and documenting you are going to use images you shoot and using photo shop (learning from Exercise 3A) you will create your own miniatures within the great big world to create a visual statement.
Think about what you want to leave your viewer questioning - Environmental issues? Social injustice, isolation, identity?.........Answering this question will guide your choice of imagery.
Before you begin please submit your plan.
What is you title?
What message do you want to leave the viewer thinking about?
How are you going to do this?
Include shooting locations, subjects etc.
Submit as a word doc.
Presentation -
On the Server
in a folder labeled 3B named using the taught naming convention - firstnamelastnameL3B
Final Image sized 8.5" by 11" at 300 dpi - .jpeg - Named with Title
Rubric and refections in the block drawer
Contact Sheet - images used in your final work, camera, captions date, f-stop. shutter speed, ISO
Please also upload to the google classroom
Final Image sized 8.5" by 11" at 300 dpi - .jpeg - Named with Title
Contact Sheet - images used in your final work, camera, captions date, f-stop. shutter speed, ISO

"The street-based side of my work plays with the notion of surprise and I aim to encourage city-dwellers to be more aware of their surroundings. The scenes I set up, more evident through the photography and the titles I give these scenes aim to reflect the loneliness and melancholy of living in a big city, almost being lost and overwhelmed. But underneath this, there is always some humour. I want people to be able to empathize with the tiny people in my works."
Student Work



Caffeine Fix

For greed, all nature is too little

What is left of the Sea
