Photography 12
Lesson #10 Reflections of Me
Big Idea: To investigate SELF PORTRAITURE using the technique of reflections.
What to do:
Capture yourself in as many different reflective surfaces as possible. This is a fun project that will get you thinking about how effective reflections are in photographs.

Henri Cartier Bresson

Frédérique de Raucourt
Bill Deng

Henri Cartier Bresson
When Henri Cartier Bresson first got his Leica camera, one of his favourite things to do was to capture himself in reflective surfaces around Paris.
Have Fun!!!!!!
Explore different reflective surfaces and how they distort your image - flatteringly or unflatteringly; think about the potential for surrealism - spoonface!? Blend reflections with the environment - ripples on a river, alongside manikins in shop windows etc. It doesn't have to be your whole face in the reflection - maybe just an eye, or even a silhouette.
The potential for creativity is massive! - depth of field and choice of focus (focal point) will be VERY important for success.
1 contact sheet (20 images, your best! - must include date, aperture, shutter speed and ISO), order images so the ones that you are most proud of are at the top of your contact sheet.
3 edited images - sized 8.5" by 11" at 300 dpi (resolution), saved as jpegs
Images should demonstrate successful experimentation, risk‐taking and ambition. The work should addresses sophisticated/complex engagement with the theme with confidence and verve.
Evaluation: See Rubric

Sam Shoemaker